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Permalink 12:56:46 pm, Categories: Website design, General IT articles  

Fast Full Text Search

We have a large database with tens of thousands records. Each record has various text fields that should be searchable. All the records are stored in MySQL.

Initially we use the LIKE “%keyword%", however, a command word such as ‘flower’ search takes 40s and the server load is extremely high. This is not acceptable on a public website.

Secondly, we re-write the codes to use MySQL’s full text search feature. The result is still disappointing as the same search still takes half a minutes.

We discover a new search utility provided by Zend called Zend Lucene Search. We heard about Lucene before as people in are using this technology to power their search.

Here is a quick guide on how to get Zend Lucene running for your website:

1. Get & install Zend framework
The minimal version of Zend Framework will do the work well.

Unzip the file and put it under /usr/local/lib/zend

Update your php.ini to add the zend framework in your include directories.

2. Build the index.
In our case, we use DataObject within the Pear library to get records from database and then use Zend Lucend to make index.


// Create index
##we want the numeric to be searchable as well
   new Zend_Search_Lucene_Analysis_Analyzer_Common_TextNum_CaseInsensitive());
$index Zend_Search_Lucene::create($zend_indexPath);
$photo DB_DataObject::factory('Photo');
while($photo->fetch() )
    $doc = new Zend_Search_Lucene_Document();
 // Add document to the index
// Optimize index.

3. Update the index
You can run the above codes in the cron job daily to keep your index uptodate.
You can also make finer control by removing the records from the index and then add it back if the record is changed.
In our case, there is no such frequent change in database so we just re-make the index daily.

4. Make query
The Lucene query language is easy and simple.


##we want the numeric to be searchable as well
   new Zend_Search_Lucene_Analysis_Analyzer_Common_TextNum_CaseInsensitive());
$index Zend_Search_Lucene::create($zend_indexPath);
$results $index->find("+flower");  
echo $index->count()." records found.\n\n";  
$count 0;  
foreach ($results as $result)  
  echo "<a href='$result->url'>$result->name </a><br/>";

The beauty is: there is no need to use the processing power of MYSQL at all when user makes a query. In fact, the same search is cut from 30s to just 1s. The improvement is amazing.

In fact, we can use this technology to build our own search engine for a large website. Lucene can be used to index html, Excel, PDF, Word documents as well as to index database records.

There is also plugin for you to highlight search results.

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Permalink 01:37:27 pm, Categories: General IT articles  

Install ImageMagick on cPanel

On a cpanel web hosting server, to install ImageMagick you need to run if you got it running or not

# /scripts/checkimagemagick

If you installed Imagemagick via the rpm package

you can find if it is on your system or not by :

rpm -qa |grep image

If all the answers are no, you can simply install it by running

# /scripts/installimagemagick

To hook PHP to ImageMagick, you need to also install it via WHM

Log into WHM >> Software >> Module Installers >> PHP Pecl and install imagick to get the whole thing binding into PHP

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Permalink 11:39:52 am, Categories: General IT articles  

Monitor if the remote host alive or not using PHP

The simplest way to find out if the remote host is alive or not is to use the ping utility. Pear provides such a convenient tool.

First, you need to install the right module


pear install Net_ping

Here is the php


// include class
require ("Net/Ping.php");
// create object
$ping Net_Ping::factory();
// ping host and display response
   $response $ping->ping('REMOTE_HOST_IP_or_name');
   if( $response->_transmitted &&  $response->_received ==&& $response->_loss ==100)
       mail("your email address""remote host  is not responding"date("Y-M-D H:i:s"), "From: your_email");
    //server is OK

The above code will send out email to you if the remote host is not responding. However, if the remote host is behind a firewall or if ping packets are blocked by firewall, the ping is not going to work.

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Permalink 12:54:51 pm, Categories: General IT articles  

Paypal Currency Codes


Code  Currency Name  Symbol
AUD  Australian Dollars     
CAD  Canadian Dollars     
CHF  Swiss Franc     
CZK  Czech Koruna     
DKK  Danish Krone     
EUR  Euros  €  
GBP  Pounds Sterling  £  
HKD  Hong Kong Dollar     
HUF  Hungarian Forint     
ILS  Israeli Shekel     
JPY  Japanese Yen  ¥  
MXN  Mexican Peso     
NOK  Norwegian Krone     
NZD  New Zealand Dollar     
PLN  Polish Zloty     
SEK  Swedish Krona     
SGD  Singapore Dollar     
USD  United States Dollars  $

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Permalink 05:41:00 pm, Categories: General IT articles  

HTML Signature for Gmail

Gmail does not support rich text signature. That means you can’t have link, colors, images or any formatting with the Gmail signature.

There are ways to get around it.

1. copy and paste
Make your signature in Word and copy it to gmail’s composer each time you want to send an email.

2. Chrome/Firefox extension.
The extension allows you to save your signature in your browser.
But if you use another PC, you will not be able to have the signature coming up automatically because it is saved to the PC where you installed the extension.


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