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Category: General IT articles


Permalink 04:03:07 pm, Categories: General IT articles  

Cloud-based Hosted Exchange Mailbox available

£10 + VAT /month.


  • Latest Exchange Server 2013 technology
    50GB per Exchange mailbox
    Up to 10 email address aliases
    Outlook Anywhere access (RPC over HTTPS)
    Outlook Web Access
    Instant ‘push’ email
    Organisation-wide address list
    Shared calendars
    Shared tasks
    Shared contacts
    ‘Manage Cloud’ Active Directory management
    Distribution groups
    Room mailboxes
    Mail-enabled contacts
    Multiple domains
    Access multiple inboxes from Outlook
    Delegate access
    Mobile ‘Push & Sync’ technology
    Sync with iPhone, iPad, Windows Phone, Android etc
    Sync with Blackberry 10
    Remote mobile data wipe
    Optional Outlook 2013 licence
    Optional Outlook 2011 Mac licence
    Multiple UK-based data-centres
    Data replication for peace-of-mind
    Every mailbox hosted on 3x Exchange servers for ultra resilience
    Anti-Virus protection
    Instant activation and provisioning
    No set-up fees
    40MB attachment size
    Web-based multi-client provisioning portal
    No minimum mailboxes
    Domain name management
    Exceptional Support™ - email, online and telephone
    Access to migration service
    Monthly payment plan

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Permalink 02:47:54 pm, Categories: General IT articles  

Take payment online or over phone easily - cardsave

Sorry we don’t provide this service any more

There are many businesses provide online payment solutions like Paypal, EPDQ from Barclays, HSBC, Worldpay from RBS/Lloyds, Sagepay etc.. However, we found Cardsave is the most featured rich, customer and developer friendly and affordable provider.

From a developer point of view, Cardsave can be integrated in different level: either redirect your customer to Cardsave’s payment page; or host the payment page on your website for better branding and send the payment data over secure link to Cardsave. In later case, a SSL certificate is required but there is no need for PCI compliance, which is a bonus for websites looking for low running cost.

You can also take payment over phone by subscribe their Virtual terminal service.

To receive a phone call from Cardsave, you can fill in [this simple form] to get started.

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Permalink 11:16:10 pm, Categories: General IT articles  

How to make the 'delete' key to move selected files to Trash

In Apple, you need to use CMD+Del key combin to move files to Trash. if you are from the Windows background, this is not nice as when you use one hand to select the files using the mouse, you just want to press one single key to get rid of the files.

Here is what you can do:

1. get ‘Spark’ from
It’s a free software so don’t forget to donate.

2. Install Spark and run it as demon so that it can intercept your keys and do the function.

3. Run Spark and click ‘Preferences’ from menu,
Allow "one key" shortcut for
from “Function keys only” to “All keys”

4. Double click on Apple Script,
press “delete” key for the short cut, give it a name, such as “Trash selected files". In the Apple script box, input the follow the script


tell application "Finder"
  if frontmost is false then return
  set selectedList to the selection
  set deleteList to {}
  repeat with thisItem in selectedList
    if class of thisItem is not disk then
      set end of deleteList to thisItem
    end if
  end repeat
  delete deleteList
end tell

5. If you want to permanently delete selected files, which I don’t recommend, use the following Apple script


tell application "Finder"
  if frontmost is false then return
  set selectedList to the selection
  set deleteList to {}
  repeat with thisItem in selectedList
    if class of thisItem is not disk then
      set end of deleteList to thisItem
    end if
  end repeat
  delete deleteList
  ignoring application responses -- because secure deletes can take a while
    empty trash with security
  end ignoring
end tell

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Permalink 08:59:13 pm, Categories: General IT articles  

How to move an off-screen window back to your desktop in Windows 7

In previous version of Windows before Windows 7, you can just right click on the application Icon on your taskbar, select ‘move’, and then use your keyboard’s left/right/up/downdown arrow key to move your window to the centre of your desktop.

Starting from Windows 7, right click doesn’t bring those option up any more. You have to press shift and then right click on the application icon, select ‘move’, and use arrow keys to bring the window back.

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Permalink 09:37:39 am, Categories: General IT articles  

How to restart Mac OS X Desktop

Mac OS X Desktop can ‘freeze’. You can still move your mouse but you won’t be able to close/start anything. But the system is still running. I find Mac OS X is a solid system.

If you have something running in the background (like mysql/apache), you don’t want to restart the whole machine. To restart the desktop,

1. go to another machine, start a SSH terminal (such as putty on a windows box). SSh into mac os x.
If your mac is not configured to allow SSH, you have no option but to restart the machine, configure it in the System Preferences button and wait for the next.

2. ps -ef|grep Graphics

3. Find the following:
88 83 1 0 12:25.22 ?? 27:22.37 /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Frameworks/CoreGraphics.framework/Resources/WindowServer -daemon

4. then HUP the found process:
sudo kill -HUP 83

83 is the process id. 88 is the userid so don’t be fool if you come from the Linux environment.

That’s the benefit to have a Unix OS!!!

This will restart the GUI, logging you out, but at least you won’t have to reboot the whole machine.

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