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Category: Website design


Permalink 04:49:58 pm, Categories: Website design  

Ebay Store Integration

If you are selling on ebay and you also have your own online store. You can save a lot of time by syncing the products together.

EBAY API ( ) provides a programming interface so that web developer can sync your 2-store.

Save valuable time and resource by using the Advansys eBay integration module where your ecommerce solution automatically updates eBay via the eBay API (application programming interface) with your chosen products without any manual intervention. Have the ability to instantly list all of your products from your ecommerce website on eBay as a ‘Buy it Now’ product. The eBay integration module allows you to add and remove multiple products giving you full control whilst saving you time and money. It’s the perfect way to easily find valuable new customers.

The beauty of this integral solution is that all processes that you would normally complete on eBay are seamlessly controlled and executed via one single interface. This single interface controls many aspects of eBay, for example, stock and order processing, shipping, order fulfilment and payments.

The integration work will automate the following elements of eBay, second chance offers, submit products to be listed, best offers, counter offers, reclamation of fees for any products unsold, retrieve current listings of ebay categories, retrieve high bid information, leave feedback about other users and display ebay listings on other websites.

We also offer eBay store designs where our designers will customise your eBay page so that it matches the branding on your ecommerce website and keeping your whole company look professional.
why trade on eBay?

Launched in the UK in October 1999 has over 15 million customers and more than 10 million products are sold at any one time via the internet: an ideal virtual shop front for any business who wishes to trade online. From a worldwide perspective has over 212 million customers who buy and sell in more than 50,000 categories: a target market you don’t want to miss out on.

Integrating your ecommerce solution into eBay via their API is a valuable sales tool and gives you another valuable route to market to promote and sell your products online via the internet.
why do you need both an ecommerce site and an eBay store?

There are many reasons why someone would want an ecommerce website that is integrated with an eBay store. If an ebay store becomes really popular with many visitors and transactions, they may want to expand the business and appeal to other markets. The advantage and disadvantage of having just an ebay store site is that you are only really targeting ebay users with ebay or PayPal accounts. An ebay store also doesn’t allow the freedom of adding functionality in the future in the same way that an ecommerce solution can do.

By integrating both the stores into one solution, it gives you and your customer’s one place to find all of your products and services. A professional ecommerce solution can show users that you are a legitimate business and have invested in a website with a distinct brand identity. It also brings the features, functionality and target audience of both ebay and a professional ecommerce website.

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Permalink 12:31:43 am, Categories: Website design  

Open link in a new window or tab

Using old basic javascript it is very simple to open a link or new page on a new window.


Below is a list of the attributes you can use:

1. width=300
Use this to define the width of the new window.

2. height=200
Use this to define the height of the new window.

3. resizable=yes or no
Use this to control whether or not you want the user to be able to resize the window.

4. scrollbars=yes or no
This lets you decide whether or not to have scrollbars on the window.

5. toolbar=yes or no
Whether or not the new window should have the browser navigation bar at the top (The back, foward, stop buttons..etc.).

6. location=yes or no
Whether or not you wish to show the location box with the current url (The place to type http://address).

7. directories=yes or no
Whether or not the window should show the extra buttons. (what’s cool, personal buttons, etc…).

8. status=yes or no
Whether or not to show the window status bar at the bottom of the window.

9. menubar=yes or no
Whether or not to show the menus at the top of the window (File, Edit, etc…).

10. copyhistory=yes or no
Whether or not to copy the old browser window’s history list to the new window.

You can use Jquery to force all links in the page will open the target page in a new window:


<script type="text/javacript">
  var $j = jQuery.noConflict();
$j(document).ready(function() {
//external attribute
.attr({ target: "_blank" });
} );

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Permalink 10:37:04 am, Categories: Website design, General IT articles  

Jquery cycle plugin with caption and image preload

JQuery Cycle is a wonderful plugin to add slideshow to your website easily. It supports slide effects (fading, cross, sliding etc..) and call back functions.

We would like to put the slideshow on one part of the page and the caption on another location. The end result should look likes the slideshow on the home page of

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Permalink 12:43:55 am, Categories: Website design  

New Acupuncture Clinic Website Launched

New website for Shropshire’s leading acupuncturist Dr. Daian Zou is now launched. Dr. Daian Zou is an esteemed acupuncturist running a clinic at St. John’s Hill in Shrewsbury, Shropshire.

The website features animation slide show on home page; Wordpress content management system with testimonials, articles, and news.

Check it out at

St. John's Hill Clinic for Acupuncture and herbs
St. John’s Hill Clinic

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Permalink 12:10:33 am, Categories: Website design, General IT articles  

Free Wordpress Premium themes

For many people who know what they do, they can have a self-made website by using Wordpress and the widely available themes on the Internet.

Many hosting companies provide Wordpress from web hosting control panel. If you are not sure please email for help. Once you have Wordpress installed in your hosting space, you can login to the admin and install themes. You can install the themes in 2 ways:

1. In the admin, click the “Appearance” menu item, click on the “Install Themes” tab, you can search a theme available at by keywords. In the search results, click ‘Install’ link to install the theme

2. In the admin, click the “Appearance” menu item, under the “Install Themes” tab, click “upload", then upload the theme file you downloaded from the Internet. The theme file is a zip file containing various files.

After the theme is installed, you need to activate the theme and you are ready to go.

So popular place to get free wordpress themes:

Happy blogging!

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