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Permalink 10:29:42 am, Categories: General IT articles  

Mount iso image on Windows 7

Not all software that works on Windows XP/Vista will work on Windows 7. Mounting ISO files can be difficult if you’ve been using Daemon Tools to do it so far. There is an updated version of Daemon tool available but it is not official. You need to search bittorrent for with.

Currently we have found two utilities that support windows 7.


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Permalink 09:35:57 am, Categories: General IT articles  

Windows 7 - Cannot copy files required for installation error

There are many reports on the “Cannot copy files required for installation error” (with error code 0x80070017). There are many reasons:

1. When you burn the ISO image to a DVD, you need to choose the lowest speed and verify it after burn.

2. Do a memory test. You can get a tool from
Any errors reported need to be ironed out.

3. Reload your BIOS settings to default and make sure you are not aggresive to overclock your system.
Compared to Linux or XP, Windows 7 is very poor in terms of overclocking. We had a over-locked system running Linux for a couple of years but Windows 7 freezes from time to time so we have to undone the overclocking.

You can also disable things you do not need (such as onbard wifi for a desktop, firewire etc..)

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Permalink 05:17:42 pm, Categories: General IT articles  

Associate a syntax set with a file type in vim

Vim is an excellent text editor that can do amazing stuffs.

When the web server is configured to treat html as php file, the vim editor needs to configured to recognize all the php functions within the html. To do that,


vim /~.vimrc

to open the configure file.

and add one file to the bottom


autocmd FileType html set syntax=php

The latest vim has syntax turned on automatically anyway. If not, add this line to your config file


set sytax on

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Permalink 09:09:19 pm, Categories: General IT articles  

grep email address from a Word file

We just have a task to extract all email addresses from a word document text file containing more than 800 pages. The size of the doc file is 250M. But the size does not matter. To extract the email address, we need to

1. convert the .docx file into a plain text file.

2. transfer the text file to a Linux machine

3. use grep to extract the email address and save result.
grep -E -o --color "\b[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\b" email_list.txt > output.txt

This code is obtained from

4. Use Excel to open the text file and save it as a workbook.

5. Do the mailshot using the Excel file

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Permalink 04:53:37 pm, Categories: Shropshire talk  

Getting paid while you shop

Shopping online is becoming more and more popular.

There are many price comparison websites to help online shoppers to save money. The most famous one is moneysupermarket.

One of my customers has a website called

Members of the website can get cash back if they shop via the website. Membership is free. On registeration you will get £2.50 of credit immediately. So give it a try!

and if you refer a friend to the site, you will get £7.00

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