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Permalink 05:18:40 pm, Categories: General IT articles  

Generate RSS feeds for your website

RSS newsfeeds and product feeds provide a variety of opportunities for increasing traffic to your website. Publishing your own feed is a great way to cut through the clutter of email spam and get your message directly to your target market. Interested parties can subscribe your RSS channel using common Email clients like Outlook. There are also many RSS readers available for Iphones or other smart phones.

RSS slowly becomes one of the important online marketing / SEO tasks.

Provided you already have an online product catalogue. Here is simple PHP code to use to generate a RSS feed:


function xmlentities($str)
    $xml array('&#34;','&#38;','&#38;','&#60;','&#62;','&#160;','&#161;','&#162;','&#163;','&#164;','&#165;','&#166;','&#167;','&#168;','&#169;','&#170;','&#171;','&#172;','&#173;','&#174;','&#175;','&#176;','&#177;','&#178;','&#179;','&#180;','&#181;','&#182;','&#183;','&#184;','&#185;','&#186;','&#187;','&#188;','&#189;','&#190;','&#191;','&#192;','&#193;','&#194;','&#195;','&#196;','&#197;','&#198;','&#199;','&#200;','&#201;','&#202;','&#203;','&#204;','&#205;','&#206;','&#207;','&#208;','&#209;','&#210;','&#211;','&#212;','&#213;','&#214;','&#215;','&#216;','&#217;','&#218;','&#219;','&#220;','&#221;','&#222;','&#223;','&#224;','&#225;','&#226;','&#227;','&#228;','&#229;','&#230;','&#231;','&#232;','&#233;','&#234;','&#235;','&#236;','&#237;','&#238;','&#239;','&#240;','&#241;','&#242;','&#243;','&#244;','&#245;','&#246;','&#247;','&#248;','&#249;','&#250;','&#251;','&#252;','&#253;','&#254;','&#255;');
    $html array('&quot;','&amp;','&amp;','&lt;','&gt;','&nbsp;','&iexcl;','&cent;','&pound;','&curren;','&yen;','&brvbar;','&sect;','&uml;','&copy;','&ordf;','&laquo;','&not;','&shy;','&reg;','&macr;','&deg;','&plusmn;','&sup2;','&sup3;','&acute;','&micro;','&para;','&middot;','&cedil;','&sup1;','&ordm;','&raquo;','&frac14;','&frac12;','&frac34;','&iquest;','&Agrave;','&Aacute;','&Acirc;','&Atilde;','&Auml;','&Aring;','&AElig;','&Ccedil;','&Egrave;','&Eacute;','&Ecirc;','&Euml;','&Igrave;','&Iacute;','&Icirc;','&Iuml;','&ETH;','&Ntilde;','&Ograve;','&Oacute;','&Ocirc;','&Otilde;','&Ouml;','&times;','&Oslash;','&Ugrave;','&Uacute;','&Ucirc;','&Uuml;','&Yacute;','&THORN;','&szlig;','&agrave;','&aacute;','&acirc;','&atilde;','&auml;','&aring;','&aelig;','&ccedil;','&egrave;','&eacute;','&ecirc;','&euml;','&igrave;','&iacute;','&icirc;','&iuml;','&eth;','&ntilde;','&ograve;','&oacute;','&ocirc;','&otilde;','&ouml;','&divide;','&oslash;','&ugrave;','&uacute;','&ucirc;','&uuml;','&yacute;','&thorn;','&yuml;');
    $str str_replace($html,$xml,$str);
    //$str = str_ireplace($html,$xml,$str);
    return $str;
 $pro DB_DataObject::factory('Product');
  $xml ='<rss version="2.0" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:admin="" xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:content="">
                <title>Water Coolers from Wenlock Water coolers Ltd</title>
                                <description>Water Coolers supplier - Wenlock Water coolers, Shropshire UK. We sell and rent water coolers to Business, Education and home users all over the UK</description>
    $catName $categoryArray[$pro->category];
    $xml .= "<item>
        <title>"xmlentities(htmlentities(stripSlashes("$pro->name"))) . "</title>\n";
    $xml .= "<link>$product->id</link>";
    $xml .="<category domain='main'>"stripSlashes($categoryname_Name). "</category>";
    $xml .="<description>";
    $xml .= xmlentities(htmlentities(stripSlashes($pro->detail) ));
   $xml .="</description>
       //display product feature an images here
      }//end of for
        $xml .='</table>
 $xml .="]]></content:encoded>
 //end of while
 $xml .="</channel>
 </rss> ";
  header("Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-81");
 echo $xml;

To test it, you can type in the URL to the php file in your IE to validate the XML.

You can use a RSS viewer to view the data of your deed:

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Permalink 09:03:47 pm, Categories: General IT articles  

Making a disk image from a SD Card

I have searched a little Windows program to make a Disk Image from a Phone Micro SD card but couldn’t find one. Therefore I have to put the Micro-SD card into a USB card reader and plug it to a Linux Box.

To make a disk image:


dd if=/dev/sdb1 of=image.img

Now if you have a larger SD card and you want to upgrade, swap the card, and run


dd if=image.img of=/dev/sdb1

You need you use the dmesg to find out what’s the device number of your SD Card.

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Permalink 10:27:06 am, Categories: General IT articles  

Baleno UK website Live

The stylish clothing “BALENO” is the perfect companion for today’s professionals.“BALENO” is the brand name for our contemporary, comfortable and functional outdoor sports and leisure wear.It features special protective clothing, built on a foundation of technical craftsmanship and a continuous drive for innovation.

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Permalink 09:27:46 am, Categories: General IT articles  

New website launch-

CInCH stands for Community Involvement in Care and Health a Company Limited by Guarantee and is seeking registration as a charity; it is the LINk for Shropshire.

It’s a CMS website.

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Permalink 05:07:48 pm, Categories: Spark computing news  

Full time web programmer required

The ideal candidate will have experience of OO PHP, MYSQL, HTML, CSS, AJAX/JavaScript and any CMS (Codeigniter/CakePHP ) would be beneficial. You will be hardworking and friendly towards clients with an outgoing personality.
You will be skilled with PHP/Javascript and also be able to demonstrate enough HTML and CSS experience. We began utilising SEO more and more over the past couple of years so any exposure to that would be advantageous. The projects you will be working on are both diverse and interesting, ranging from large scale E-commerce websites to smaller scale software applications.

We have programming projects from design agencies around the country. You will get involved in the full project life cycle from planning and research to testing and deploying your work.

Start Date ASAP
Duration Permanent

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